Monday, April 12, 2021

Immortal Talks - Shunya (book 2)

So second book in the series Immortal talks, is as enlightening as is the first one. Book starts with a mainstream character called Anita who's life is about to change from the pit of poverty to prosperity. And parallelly Deva - Hanumanji is imparting immortal knowledge to his Mahtang disciples with help of analogies from mainstream human community. I can say that the book ends with a demo of the immortal knowledge by helping a mainstream character Sulochana over come her past traumatic events with the help of a helper-to-Gods soul called Dirgha. 

It talks about migration of soul from one character to another and from one pre-recorded scenes to another using Linga Code which helps the soul in choosing its next scene. It makes you aware of the difference between your character and your soul, and all the desires, karma and such of the character need not necessarily belong to the soul. The soul is always free to choose its karma, karma-phal and desires. 

Deva explains about the Linga Code and its absolute language, which has only two variables - Karma and Desires, using the analogy of binary language. Also the freedom of the soul in Shunya tunnels, incompleteness of the characters by definition, the invisible four mental bodies - Intelligence: Intellect: Samskara: Chitta, the unsuccessful and continuous efforts of the characters to become complete, how surrahs and assurahs take advantage of the character, and much more. 

All in all it makes a lot of sense when you are a seeker and not just a reader. I'm not saying this should be the ultimate truth, may be it is not. But unless you are open to accept and give it a try to expand your consciousness, you will never reach anywhere. 

I say at least reading, if not trying, this series is a must for everyone irrespective of one's belief or disbelief. A Sashtang Pranam to the author who writes in the name Shunya- meaning nothingness. Sharing such knowledge and not revealing identity is both a mystery and modesty. 

I'm definitely gonna re-read this series multiple times. The book gets 5/5.  

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